mercoledì 8 marzo 2017

International women's day 2017 - Love, respect, remember

I love to make some time for myself whenever I can. It could be a walk in nature, some Tai Chi alone or a beautiful breakfast.
Today is about a sad story which should be remembered, but it's also about respect for ourselves, women and men. The way we treat others usually it's the way we treat ourselves. Enjoy life and respect people, animals, plants... The more you love, the happier you become!
About my breakfast: spelt milk cappuccino ( I used cereal coffee) and ginger vegan cookies. 💐

Women are made to be loved, not understood. 

Oscar Wilde

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Tao Te Ching verso 16 - verse 16 - ITA and ENG

  "Ritornare alle radici significa trovare la pace. Trovare la pace significa onorare il proprio destino. Onorare il proprio destino è ...