"..for this reason the sage puts himself last and so ends up ahead.." and also "..through selfless action, fulfillment is attained.." I've chosen to share these two sentences from the book: "Living the Wisdom of the Tao" by Dr. Wayne Dyer, both from chapter 7. This seventh chapter of the Tao Te Ching (in any translation) is about 'selflessness'. Heaven and Earth are eternal because of their humility and generosity and the sage is always fulfilled because of its generosity and selfless capability to serve others. In this chapter, we are confronted with our ambitions and egoistic needs and about this Lao Tzu would like to share a really powerful truth: when the selfish ego pulls back, the Universe can fill that void and take care of things. It's actually a really hard statement to understand and put into practice, because it's linked directly with our capability to let go or let God as always said Wayne Dyer (and here I refer to anything we may believe in: Universe, God, Spirituality...). As human beings, we have this desperate need for controlling everything and constantly fight against ourselves to obtain more. I really like the message of this chapter because it's so true and powerful that I'm attracted to it and at the same time I feel the need to deny it. Awakening it's a long and hard road, so I won't force myself to understand everything immediately, but I'd rather try to live by it. For this chapter, I've chosen a move from the "Spring Form for the liver", a move that should liberate ourselves for attachment, resentment, and selfishness. Spring is the season of generosity and inclusion, connection and fulfillment. - Please remember I'm not teaching the move but just showing it. -
mercoledì 17 luglio 2019
Tao Te Ching - Verse 7
plant based trainer,
tai chi,
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