venerdì 17 aprile 2015

Parlo català: so what? - Why in 2015 is it still so hard to speak this language freely?

Is there possible in 2015 to feel like your language, your culture or your look has something so wrong that other people may enjoy the death of your peers? After the dramatic event regarding the Germanwings plane crash I found out that intolerance isn’t just a distant scent from a far away age of humanity. Intolerance is still here among us, and it looks worse than ever. A friend of mine, who was born in Catalonia, led me into a series of articles and blogs talking about the diffuse hate towards Catalans. I mean, I am not dumb, I know something similar is happening everyday in Italy with the North and the South, but romantically I have been growing up thinking that outside these borders there were better stories to tell about brotherhood. Or maybe not.
I asked this friend if it was possible to interview him about how it feels to be part of a Nation trying to win its own independence, he kindly accepted.

 - At what age did you realize to be of a different nationality compared to the geographic state where you lived (Spain)?

I remember when I was very young and I walked alone the streets of Sant Sadurnì d’Anoia (at the time there were 9.000 inhabitants) sometimes tourists stopped me for information about streets and other things. Most of them talked to me in Spanish and I remember me trying to answer with a lot of effort. At school we had to attend 2 hours per week of Castilian language. Above all I remember our meetings with the "Guardia Civil" when I was a little older. The first thing they used to say to us was: "A mi me hablas en español!"

- I am sorry, who were them?

They were agents of the police (the Spanish version) who lived and worked in Catalonia and obviously they understood also Catalan but to look superior and not be offended they wanted people not to speak in Catalan to them. Usually if someone is Spanish but understands Catalan, is normal to keep speaking Catalan, instead with them (Guardia Civil) was impossible because simply they did not like Catalan. Fortunately, since 2005 (approximately), the Civil Guard are gone in Catalonia, we have our own police of the Catalan Government (Mossos d' Esquadra) which sometimes, however, is even worse (many cases of torture, but this is a different story...)
I’d like to specify that I am always available to speak Spanish when needed, of course I feel more confortable speaking my mother tongue.

- What did you learn at school about Catalonia?

This is a tough question! It wasn’t only school… Since the beginning you have to learn two languages, but you are going to use one of them only when you leave Catalonia. When I was in school it was hard to realize that I lived in a specific region, until they taught us about how Catalonia had lost its independence in 1714. However since we were little, we had been taught about our specific culture, traditions, things that are done only in Catalonia and you start to associate these things to a language and a flag. Like when we celebrate the “castanyera" (chestnut festival), "els panellets" (along with the chestnuts for All Saints), Sant Jordi (our national holiday and patron). This one, for example, is also the celebration of the roses and the books: it is tradition to give a rose to the girl you like (or your mom) and in exchange the “girl” will give you a book, well when you become older you should give a book with the rose! Definitely one of the most important day of the year with September 11th (Catalonia National Day). When you are a child all these celebrations look just normal, only to realize they are celebrated exclusively in Catalonia and most Spanish do not know about these festivities.

- Growing up how have you felt different from your Spanish neighbors?

Precisely, with all these traditions and our own culture and the way you think. For example since we were kids they taught us the “culture of saving”, especially because our grandparents lived through the war, the Francoist age, the fear when Catalan was banned as a language; the need to hide money and all this was experienced at least by two generation: my grandparents and my parents. It’s still a strong feeling even if we already think a little differently in this regard.

- Has there ever been a time when you had been offended, mocked or treated differently because you are Catalan?

So many times... If I read the newspapers and the comments on the news, surely I would feel insulted every day. Nowadays with new technologies and the tendency to comment on everything, it’s even easier to give your opinion on something. That allows a lot of people to say shitty things and talk about Catalans or other populations in bad terms. It’s a good example what happened on Twitter after the Germanwings plane crash.
Luckily is not always like this! I have many friends in Spain and most of them won’t behave like that.

- In your opinion, why so many people voted in favor of Catalonia independence during the 2014 informal vote?

For many years Catalonia tried to change some fiscal policies, since we give more than we receive, there are some negative aspects, which are leading to the sensation that the policy of Spain is looking more and more like the old Franco’s regime. Generally speaking we do not see any positive change for Catalonia and people who weren’t nationalists before now are. Entire families, the young, the old, all now are in favor of independence. Plus in Spain we are hot-blooded and when there is something wrong we demonstrate for our rights peacefully (mostly). This unity is showing people how solid we are and that is encouraging more people to join this movement.

- Right after the Germanwings plane crash there have been many cruel comments against the Catalans who had died in that tragedy, and many blogs and newspaper wrote about it. Why, in your opinion, is there this hate towards Catalans?  

This theme makes me nervous, I would never comment an event like that with such expressions. If a plane full of Spaniards fell, I couldn’t express happy feelings. I could not say that I am happy because there would be less Spanish people in the world! I cannot even imagine how someone could think things like these. What can you say about comments like those? This can only cause more hatred and enlarge the gap between Catalonia and the rest of Spain. I do not know the reason why there is this feeling, are people envy? Envy of what? I do not know, there should be more respect towards others.

- When you moved to Italy, people knew that your mother tongue wasn’t Spanish?

Some of them knew, some other didn’t. Most of them thought that Catalan was a simple dialect and they compare it to the South Tyrol situation: “you are just like the South Tyrolean people”.
Being Catalan is not easy even in Italy, starting for example with the right pronunciation of my name, that’s something common.

- Do you see more pros than cons about the fact of coming from a region that wants to be independent, full of pride and that desire to be unique more than conform to the rest of Spain?

I always thought of this as an advantage! I don’t see any negative side on this. If you do, tell me what it is.


Well, a couple of years ago I have been in Barcelona and I had been ignorant. I spoke Spanish all the time pretending to be understood. I didn’t do my homework, I didn’t try to understand the history of the place and the pride of the people. I didn’t get how important it was for them to be able to speak their own language and show tourists how particular and magnificent it is to be part of a different culture.
Luckily there is still time to understand cultures, to comprehend new languages and enrich our vision with the perk of being part of a world full of wonderful diversities. 

For further information about this:

martedì 7 aprile 2015

Ristorante vegano La Mala Leche di Trento - la qualità ed il gusto delle cose "fatte in casa"

Attenzione, attenzione, finalmente è arrivato! 
A Trento ha aperto i battenti il primo vero ristorante vegano: La Mala Leche. 
Il locale è situato in zona centralissima, Largo Carducci, sotto un suggestivo porticato che introduce al cortile esterno del ristorante. L'arredamento del locale è semplice, variopinto ed informale; ogni tipo di ospite non può che sentirsi a proprio agio in un'atmosfera così rilassata e curata. 
Il menù è limitato (e io dico ben venga), seguendo le stagionalità e la necessità in termini di tempo per preparazioni fatte in casa con cura; in questo caso la scelta di menù è sinonimo di qualità e attenzione verso i piatti proposti.

Io ci sono stata una sola volta per cena, ma spero di rimediare presto, provando più piatti possibili. Per questa volta ho scelto i Pad Thai, incuriosita dalla proposta esotica, mentre il mio co-assaggiatore ha preso una super grigliata mista. 

I piatti sono tutti abbondanti e sbirciando sugli altri tavoli ho avuto conferma che anche le altre proposte sono servite con porzioni interessanti; le facce soddisfatte delle persone poi, hanno confermato quanto io ho realizzato per ciò che ho assaggiato: in questo ristorante si mangia bene.

Dai discorsi dei vicini di tavolo capisco che la maggior parte di loro si trova lì per pura curiosità verso la cucina vegana; quale modo migliore per invogliare a continuare su questa strada allora, se non una cucina gustosa, di qualità e con un ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo.
La cosa che in assoluto mi ha lasciata più stupefatta è stato il gusto della salciccia del piatto di grigliata mista: il gusto affumicato e saporito della salciccia stupirà anche i più credenti onnivori! Assolutamente ben riuscite, molto più buone di tutte quelle vegan che si trovano in commercio.

Inoltre il ristorante prepara anche svariati gusti di pizze vegane d'asporto o da mangiare al ristorante. Naturalmente dolce, caffè e bevande sono tutti di origine vegetale. 
Non sapete la soddisfazione nel chiedere un caffè macchiato senza dover specificare il tipo di latte che si vuole!

Ci rivedremo presto caro La Mala Leche, se siete nei dintorni di Trento fateci un salto. 
Provare per credere! 

mercoledì 1 aprile 2015

Il Trentino delle mele avvelenate - quando troppo (pesticida) è troppo

A partire dalla fine marzo, fino ad inizio ottobre, un rito si compierà quasi ogni giorno nel Trentino delle mele.
Con questa cadenza piccoli alberi di mele, che ogni due o tre anni sono estirpati per averne sempre della stessa piccola misura, saranno irrorati senza pietà per poi soffrire sotto il peso delle tante mele avvelenate che vi cresceranno sopra.
L'anno scorso molte mele sono stata lasciate a marcire sugli alberi, forse ne erano nate e vissute troppe. Il Trentino è la regione d'Italia che utilizza più pesticidi in assoluto.
Il contadino di fronte a casa mia, più volte denunciato senza aiuto da parte delle autorità che ci hanno lasciati soli, mi disse: "io lo faccio per voi, vuoi i vermi nelle mele?"
Voglio ringraziare tutti coloro che coltivano con il metodo biodinamico e rispettano le piante, gli animali e la terra. Le loro mele sono buone e bellissime nelle loro imperfezioni.
Per il resto sono stanca di svegliarmi alle sei del mattino per riprendere i contadini che irrorano a pochi metri da case, strade e piste ciclabili. Sono stanca di guardare quello spettacolo orrendo senza potere fare niente, senza supporto da parte delle autorità, senza impegno da parte dei cittadini, senza sensibilizzazione su questo tema irriverente nella regione più amata d'Italia.
Forse la storia di Biancaneve si ispirava alle mele avvelenate del Trentino, non aspettiamo che arrivi un principe a svegliarci! Svegliamoci adesso!

Tao Te Ching verso 16 - verse 16 - ITA and ENG

  "Ritornare alle radici significa trovare la pace. Trovare la pace significa onorare il proprio destino. Onorare il proprio destino è ...