venerdì 11 novembre 2016

Erdbär - More nature, less sugar. From Germany of course

I travel a lot to Germany and Austria - as you may have seen from my previous posts :) - and every time I find something new to try. 
This time I want to talk about this brand called Erdbär, from Germany. 
Their products are called Freche Freunde which means Naughty Friends. Their products are mostly made with cereals and dried fruits, organic, no sugar added, no milk, no preservatives: only natural products made fun for children. 
But why? Why only children should eat super fan vegan product with no sugar added?
I decided to buy some of their products and try them! I was super curious about the taste, since the packaging is already so fun you love them before even eat them! 
I personally tried to veggie chips, the breakfast fruit and the crispy fruits and veggies. 
I have to say that all these products are incredibly tasty, healthy and complete. The ingredients are always easy to read and comprehend, the taste is real (so kids may get used to fruits and veggies and appreciate them!) and they're healthy! 
All the pieces are super cute and fun to use to create the most delicious and funny meal: the breakfast cereals and dried fruits are super fan!  
Little stars made with corn and rice flour, to mix with little balls which simply are dried blueberries and little cubes of dried apples. 
I am not a toddler, that's clear, but I really enjoyed eating this food, knowing that I was not eating withe sugar and chemical ingredients.
Adults products - even the organic ones - are so full of sugar, preservatives and salt, that sometimes I just want to trow them away. 
These products aren't naughty at all! They're inspiring and all organic vegan brand should be inspired by the ability of this brand to use vegetables and fruits in such simple, yet perfect way! 
Less is more! Let's go back to natural, let's go back to the real taste of food, and let's be more healthy! 

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Tao Te Ching verso 16 - verse 16 - ITA and ENG

  "Ritornare alle radici significa trovare la pace. Trovare la pace significa onorare il proprio destino. Onorare il proprio destino è ...