From now on, I'm gonna study the Tao Te Ching and publish some posts about it. I read this book many years ago, but now after practicing Tai Chi and Qi Gong intensely for many years (and after deciding to change my approach to spirituality), I've thought it was about time to read it again under a new light. The Tao Te Ching was probably written around the 6th century BC. You can read a lot about its history and its author Lao Tze on the internet (or on many books). Tao means way, Te means virtue or integrity and Ching can be translated as classic or book. So this book can be considered a guide into Living the Way of the virtue. You can find the complete 1st verse on the internet, but I like to show you the beginning and the end of it: "The Tao can that can be told is not the eternal Tao" (first part) "And the mystery itself is the doorway to all understanding" (final part). I love these two sentences and they remind me of this Tai Chi (Taiji) posture called Wuji. Wuji means nothingness, emptiness, the great void. I'm not gonna teach you how to do it, because it requires a lot of time and practice in class, but I decided to show myself doing it. I like that one of its translation is "free man". In this posture, we are still, but moving inside, ready to start something. In this posture, I've always felt relaxed and calm and the center of myself and the universe. I think this is the right position to associate with the mystery and the eternal Tao (my personal vision). I'd like to learn this lesson from this first verse: I want to enjoy the mystery in calmness and be ready to move into something great.
lunedì 27 maggio 2019
Tao Te Ching and Tai Chi - Verse 1
creative writing,
yin yang
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Tao Te Ching verso 16 - verse 16 - ITA and ENG
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