domenica 22 marzo 2015

Cloud Atlas - a movie to remember

I used to watch movies knowing they were just movies. Everything is exaggerated and life is always easier or far worse than reality. 
Then I watched Cloud Atlas and I had been blown away. This is an intense movie, from an intense book which I am reading with extreme cure and attention (also because English is not my mother tongue and the languages used in the book are modified to represent the diversity of the timeline). I don't know if got it right, I am not sure what I have perceived was what the author wanted me to understand about this story, but what I could interiorize and catch was beautiful and it was something I have believed all my life. 
Destiny eventually is going to catch up with you, no matter how fast you are going to run away from it. It may be in this life or in the next, but sooner or later you will face your role in the great design of the Universe. New Age theories? Maybe… but from what I could have seen during my life, there's no such thing as a coincidence. I have seen to many things happening at the right time, too many people crossing my life over and over again, some just helping me for a while right when I needed them and then disappear into thin air. Every time I have tried to escape from something that very thing would present again and have me to embrace them. 
Cloud Atlas is a movie to remember. I could tell you that I was almost falling off the couch when I saw the city of Edinburgh in it, right when I was considering the idea of moving to Scotland. Beside the great choices about the locations and the actors (wonderful Tom Hanks, Halle Berry and Jim Sturgess between the others..) the story is really great. It's hard to recap a story so intense and wonderful, so I will just tell you what I could perceive, but I really recommend everyone to watch this movie or read the book. The soundtrack is really amazing and it's a great inspiration when I write or work. 
I have seen this movie twice, but I am going to watch again, I am sure there are details I haven't noticed before and in this very moment of my life is somehow comforting knowing that the Universe (or God if you like) is behind some events occurring in these days. 
I'm not saying we are not responsible for our actions and our choices, but I am sure that from those actions and choices something else in going to happen as a response to our deepest questions.
Profound moment - now I keep going, I will keep you updated when I will see more signs that may prove this theory. 

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